Grass Valley Kaleido Remote Control Protocol Gateway Jan.09 2014 User Manual
User’s guide
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Gateway Commands
- Index of Gateway Commands
- Document Conventions
- Gateway Command Descriptions
- openID
- closeID
- getParameterInfo
- getKCurrentLayout
- setKCurrentLayout
- getKLayoutList
- getKRoom
- getKRoomList
- setKStatusMessage
- setKUnlatch
- getKChannel
- setKChannel
- setKDynamicText
- getKDynamicText
- getKMetaData
- setKTimer
- setKTimer2
- setKTimerTrigger
- setKFireAction
- getKActionList
- setKEnableAlarmGroup
- setKDisableAlarmGroup
- setKSaveLayout
- getKAudioOut
- setKAudioOut
- getKAudioOutVolume
- setKAudioOutVolume
- getKAudioOutMode
- setKAudioOutMode
- setKVerticalOffset
- setKIcontrolMode
- setKMouseColorA
- setKMouseColorB
- setKMouseColorC
- A Typical Session
- Kaleido-X Series Support History
- Contact Us