Configure smartbin encoder – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.6.5 Installation User Manual

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November 1, 2008

Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide


Configure SmartBin Encoder

Configure SmartBin Encoder

This section describes configuring the SmartBin Encoder. To configure an Aurora
Proxy encoder, see

“Configure Aurora Proxy Encoder” on page 73


The primary workflow of the SmartBin Encoder is to integrate into a system with
Aurora Ingest ingesting material to a transfer SmartBin folder. The Transfer SmartBin
service transfers the material into News Share while feeding the encoder the raw data
stream. In this workflow, the MediaFrame asset is associated with a media server clip,
News Share master clip, and lo-resolution proxy.

If your system does not have Aurora ingest feeding the SmartBin folder, the
MediaFrame asset contains the News Share master clip and has the lo-resolution
proxy associated with it.

NOTE: If upgrading the encoder, be sure to review the latest upgrade instructions
in the Aurora Browse Release Notes.

When the Transfer SmartBin box is checked, the SmartBin Encoder configuration
page is displayed.

On the SmartBin Encoder config page, the Versions tab of the MediaFrame Config
tool lets you see at a glance all the versions of the MediaFrame components that have
been installed.