H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 91

Domain name: aaa.com
SIP server address:
SIP server domain name:
# Display the information of prefix pool 1.
[Device-Vlan-interface2] display ipv6 dhcp prefix-pool 1
Prefix: 2001:410::/32
Assigned length: 48
Total prefix number: 65536
Available: 65535
In-use: 0
Static: 1
# After the client whose DUID is 00030001CA0006A40000 obtains an IPv6 prefix, display the PD
information on the DHCPv6 server.
[Device-Vlan-interface2] display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use all
Total number = 1
Prefix Type Pool Lease-expiration
2001:410:201::/48 Static(C) 1 Jul 10 2009 19:45:01
# After the other client obtains an IPv6 prefix, display the PD information on the DHCPv6 server.
[Device-Vlan-interface2] display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use all
Total number = 2
Prefix Type Pool Lease-expiration
2001:410:201::/48 Static(C) 1 Jul 10 2009 19:45:01
2001:410::/48 Auto(C) 1 Jul 10 2009 20:44:05