4 [insert] menu, 5 [build] menu, 6 [tools] menu – Epson S5U1C62000A User Manual

Page 37

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4.5.4 [Insert] Menu


Inserts the specified file to the current cursor position in the [Edit]
window or replaces the selected text with the contents of the
specified file. A dialog box will appear allowing selection of the file
to be inserted.

[Files into project...]

Adds the specified source file in the currently opened project. A
dialog box will appear allowing selection of the file to be added.

4.5.5 [Build] Menu

[Assemble] ([Ctrl]+[F7])

Assembles the assembly source in the active [Edit] window. This
menu item becomes active only when the active [Edit] window
shows an assembly source file.

[Build] ([F7])

Builds the currently opened project using a general make process.

[Rebuild All]

Builds the currently opened project. All the source files will be
assembled regardless of whether they are updated or not.

[Stop Build] ([Ctrl]+[Break])

Stops the build process being executed. This button become active
only while a build process is being executed.

[Debug] ([F5])

Invokes the debugger with the specified ICE parameter file.

[Settings...] ([Alt]+[F7])

Displays a dialog box for selecting tool options.

[ICE parameter file...]

Displays a dialog box for selecting an ICE parameter file.

[Output Format...]

Displays a dialog box for selecting an executable object file format.
Three types of formats are available: IEEE-695 absolute object
format, Intel HEX format and Motorola S format. The build process
will generate an executable object in the format selected here.

4.5.6 [Tools] Menu

[HEX Converter...]

Invokes the HEX converter to convert an absolute object into an
Intel HEX object or Motorola S object. A dialog box will appear
allowing selection of an absolute object and options for the HEX


Invokes the disassembler to disassemble an absolute object. A
dialog box will appear allowing selection of an absolute object and
options for the disassembler.