Welltech VoIP ATA series V.303 User Manual
Page 48

ATA Web user guide
Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.
48 / 114
Item Decription
is 1~31, maximum length is 2 bytes.
Hour; Setup Hour; Only use number, Data Settings secondstion
is 0~23, maximum length is 2 bytes.
Minute; Setup Minute; Only use number, Data Settings
secondstion is 0~59, maximum length is 2 bytes.
Secondsond; Setup Secondsond; Only use number, Data
Settings secondstion is 0~59, maximum length is 2 bytes.
Get PC Time
Get local personal computer date and time information.
Daylight Saving
Default: Disable. When Enable this function, the Daylight Saving
is on.
Provide options: Disable, Enable.
OffSet up
Default: +2 Hour.
Set up the Daylight Saving Time difference.
Provide options: -2 hour, -1 hour, +1 hour, +2 hour.
Start Time
Setup Daylight Saving Time. You can select the start date by day
or week.
Setup beginning month: Default Setting is January. Here offers
options from January to December.
Day of Month:Default Setting is 01. Here Provide options from
1th to 31th.
Week of Month: Selects the effective week. Here Provide options
for Last Week, Last Secondsond Week, Week1, Week2 and
Day:Provide options: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat.
Start Time:00~23.
End Time
Stop Daylight Saving Time Setting. You can select the end date
by day or week.
Setup ending month: Default Setting is January. Here offer
options froms Jan to Dec.
Day of Month:Default Setting is 01. Here Provide options from
1th to 31th.
Week of Month: Selects the effective week. Here Provide options
for Last Week, Last Secondsond Week, Week1, Week2 and
Day:Provide options: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat.
Start Time:00~23.
Submit [Button]
Save the Settings.
7.5.3 Operate Instruction
Example 1: NTP Setting
Step 1: In [NTP Setting] web page, Setup [NTP Active: Auto, Primary NTP:
north-america.pool.ntp.org, Secondsondary NTP: asia.pool.ntp.org, Time Zone:
GMT+ 08:00, Update Interval: 6 Hour] (See Figure 1).