Different command options, Different command options -3 – Verilink NCM 2000 (880-502623-001) Product Manual User Manual
Page 73

Downloading and Broadcasting Firmware
Verilink NCM 2000
Figure 5-2 Administration Menu
The Administration Menu options are module-specific, and also
specific to the local or the remote node. For example, the NCM
menu shown above is specific to the local node. The NCM menu
shown below is specific to the remote node.
Figure 5-3 Administration Menu for a Remote Node
Date/Time/Zone: 01-28-97 01:39:18
Node Address: []
Node ID: 0
Site Name: station_1
System Uptime: 0:30:29
--- Node Administration ---
H) set shelf type Z) set time zone
T) set time D) set date
B) download firmware Y) switch over once
W) write file to flash O) switch over permanent
C) set front/rear access Q) query firmware
U) clear card configuration R) reset card
A) set node address E) change node id
I) change site name P) change password
N) network parameters
M) modem parameters
X) exit this screen
[] [1,1] NCM 2000 >
Date/Time/Zone: 79-00-01 16:18:49 PST
Node Address: []
Node ID: 122
Site Name: Far Remote Other
System Uptime: 0:17:08
--- Node Administration ---
H) set shelf_type O) switch over permanent
F) firmware from local NCM Q) query firmware
B) download firmware R) reset card
L) tabs download Y) switch over once
N) network parameters U) clear card configuration
I) change site name P) change password
X) exit this screen
A [] [1,1] NCM 2000 >