Table 3-4 – Verilink HDM 2180 (880-503048-001) Product Manual User Manual
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Standalone HDM 2180 Management
Verilink HDM 2180 User Manual
Table 3-4
DS3 Port Configuration Submenu Options
Command Description
DS3 Port Performance Monitoring—Displays the current value and provides a prompt
asking if you want to change the value. This value cannot be set from the Local Port on the
HDM. It must be set using an NCM.
HDM > s
DS3 Port Performance Monitoring: Enabled Change (Y/N)? y
Enter new Port Performance Monitoring ( 0 for Enabled or 1 for Disabled) >
DS3 ACP Inband—Displays the current value and provides a prompt asking if you want to
change the value. If the ACP Inband is disabled, the ACP will not route through the DS3
HDM > h
DS3 Acp Inband: Disabled. Change (Y/N)? y
DS3 ACP Inband: Enabled
DS3 Line Type—Displays the current value. The HDM 2180 supports only the C-bit framing
HDM > l
Only CBit application is supported.
DS3 Coding Type—Displays the current value. The HDM 2180 supports only B3ZS line
coding. This is a type of encoded signal.
HDM > t
Note: DS3 CSU only supports B3ZS Line Coding!
DS3 Clock Source—Displays the current timing source for the module and provides a
prompt asking if you want to change the value as follows:
HDM > c
DS3 Port Clock Source: Recover Clock. Change (Y/N)? y
Enter Tx Clock Source (0 for External T1 Clock or 1 for External T3 Clock
or 2 for Internal Clock or 3 for Recover Clock) >
DS3 Cable Selection—Displays the current value and provides a prompt asking if you want
to change the value. Normal is <250 ft, Long is >250 ft.
HDM > b
DS3 Port Cable Selection: Normal Cable. Change (Y/N)? y
Enter Cable Selection(0 for Normal or 1 for Long Cable) >
DS3 AIS C-Bit Value—Displays the current value and provides a prompt asking if you want
to change the value as follows:
HDM > a
DS3 AIS C-Bit Values: 0 Change (Y/N)? y
Enter AIS C-Bit Value (0 for logic or 1 for SMDS application) >
Config DS3 NE Data Rate. NE Rate—Displays the current value and provides a prompt
asking if you want to change the value as follows:
HDM > r
Warning!! Config NE only. FE rate could become inconsistent.
Current DS3 Near End Port Rate : 28. Change (Y/N)? y
Enter DS3 Near End Port Data Rate (1-28) >