Appendix e – Thinklogical Velocitykvm-4, 5, 8, 24, 28, 34, 35 & 38 Manual User Manual

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V e l o c i t y K V M E x t e n d e r P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . B , J a n u a r y , 2 0 1 4

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Appendix E-

VelocityKVM Extender Series: Separate Data Paths,
Separate Audio Paths and Multi-Path Video Options



line of Separate Data Path, Separate Audio Path and Multi-Path Video

Options are designed to accommodate systems that require data transmission security and for
systems with a lower video transmission rate, or for systems not transmitting video through a


KVM Matrix Switch.


The VelocityKVM Separate Data

Path Extender allows KMASS data
to be transmitted on one fiber and
received on another fiber, separate
from video data, which is transmitted
on a separate, third fiber.

The VelocityKVM Separate Audio

Path Extender allows audio signals
to be transmitted on one fiber and
received on another fiber, separate
from Video, USB, PS2, RS-232 and
Stereo Emitter data, which are
transmitted on two independent fibers

The VelocityKVM Multi Video Path

Extender allows one 6.22 Gbps DVI signal
to be transmitted across two fibers at a
bandwidth of 3.11 Gbps per fiber.

Each of our Separate Data & Audio Path and Multi-Path Video VelocityKVM line of
extenders is available with the full complement of options regularly available with all of
our VelocityKVM extenders, such as RJ45 Network ports and various combinations of
USB HID, USB 2.0 and FireWire ports.

On the following pages are examples of the various options available with each of these
VelocityKVM Extender models.