General front panel usage, Sfp los and sfp des ok signal – Thinklogical Velocitykvm-4, 5, 8, 24, 28, 34, 35 & 38 Manual User Manual

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V e l o c i t y K V M E x t e n d e r P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . B , J a n u a r y , 2 0 1 4

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General Front Panel Usage

Once the system is powered up, the initial Transmitter display is shown as follows:

The company name is listed on the first line of the display. The model and software version (VXX.XX) of
the unit is displayed on the second line.

By pressing the down arrow

the VelocityKVM Extender allows you to enter into the main menu.

The main root menu items are displayed with an *. They are as follows:

Once a *root menu item is displayed, you can then use the left arrow

or right arrow

to review

settings or make changes, if allowed.

SFP LOS and SFP Des OK Signal

In the *System root menu, scrolling right or left will bring you to the SFP Loss of Signal and SFP Des
OK Signal

The SFP Loss of Signal menu provides confirmation of lost or unused video signals at the Receiver
and of lost or unused data-return signals at the Transmitter. A lost/unused signal will be indicated by a
1 at SFPs 1 through 4 on a Receiver and by a 1 at SFP 1 on a Transmitter. If only 2 SFPs are in use, as
in a VelocityKVM-24 Receiver, SFPs 3 and 4 will always indicate that no signal is present (1).

The SFP Des OK Signal menu provides confirmation that a good deserializer signal is detected at the
Receiver and Transmitter SFPs. A good signal will be indicated by a 1 at SFPs 1 through 4. If only 2
SFPs are in use, as in a VelocityKVM-24, SFPs 3 and 4 will always indicate that no signal is present (1).

Fiber L1 on the Transmitter and L2 on the Receiver are always transmitting. The SFPs connected to
fibers L3, L4 and L5 will not transmit until a video signal is applied to the Transmitter’s DVI IN connector.



Velocity Tx