Research Concepts RC2500 User Manual
Page 88

RC2500 Antenna Controller
Appendix E
RC2500 Comm Protocol
Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas 66218-9680 • USA
Note - Higher value status codes have priority over lower value ones, i.e. if as part of an auto
move command the antenna is moving down status will be reported as 'auto move in progress'
rather than 'down movement in progress'.
byte 35
polarization movement/alarm status - binary data
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 0 S $ X X X X
where ‘S’ is ...
0 if the axis is configured for slow speed movement
1 if the axis is configured for fast speed movement
where ‘XXXX’ is ...
0000 no alarms or movement
0010 ccw movement pending
0011 cw movement pending
0100 ccw movement in progress
0101 cw movement in progress
0111 an auto move is in progress
1000 off axis alarm active. This alarm code is currently not
supported for the polarization axis.
1001 sensor direction alarm active
1010 runaway alarm active
1011 jammed alarm active
1100 drive alarm active. This is triggered by an overcurrent
Note - Higher value status codes have priority over lower value ones, i.e. if as part of an auto
move command the antenna is moving clockwise the status will be reported as 'auto move in
progress' rather than 'clockwise movement in progress'.
byte 36
alarm code - binary data
0 1 A A $ A A A A
5 4 3 2 1 0
A5 .. A0 specify the alarm code (0-63). Alarm messages flash
on the bottom row of the display. Here are the alarm codes
which have been defined ...
0 - No alarm active
1 - Low battery
2 - Antenna azimuth alarm active.
3 - Antenna elevation alarm active.
4 - Maintenance indication from the outdoor unit.
5 - Emergency stop detected at the outdoor unit.
6 - Summary limit from outdoor unit. A version of the RC2500 is
available which is designed to interface with outdoor units which
report a single summary limit indication back to the controller.
With a single summary limit indication the controller has no way
of determining which limit has activated. On these versions of
the controller when a summary limit is detected a message is
flashed on the bottom line of the display by the alarm display
system. This is not really an alarm condition.
12 - The communications port parameters are corrupted (in
which case it is doubtful that this reply would make it back to the
14 - The inclined orbit satellite tracking parameters are
15 - The antenna and/or receiver parameters are corrupted.
16 - Time or Date corrupted.