Research Concepts RC2500 User Manual
Page 154

RC2500 Antenna Controller
Appendix Q
Working with the SA 8151 147
Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas 66218-9680 • USA
Auxiliary I/O Connection
J6, located directly above J7, is the Auxiliary I/O connector. This port, based on a DB-25 receptacle,
supports isolated, axis-specific limit inputs as well as contact closures for summary faults and peripheral
equipment control. A +5 VDC regulated output (200mA max), a +24 VDC unregulated output (1 Amp
max), and an analog voltage input, all referenced to the RC2500 ground, are also available The individual
pin definitions are shown in the table below. Both J6 and J7 are required when operating with the SA
9151 Local Control Unit. All voltages are referenced to LCU return TB1-8.
RC2500 Pin #
& (resource #)
SA 8151 LCU Pin #
1 (PC3)
Summary Fault dry contact COM, (3A @ 125VAC or 3A
@ 30VDC).
2 (PC3)
Summary Fault dry contact NO, (3A @ 125VAC or 3A @
3 (PB1)
AzimuthCW Limit return (0V = CW Limit)
AZ CW Limit TB2-4
4 (PB0
AzimuthCCW Limit return (0V = CCW Limit)
AZ CW Limit TB2-3
5 (PB2)
Elevation Down Limit return (0V = Down Limit)
EL Down Limit TB1-3
6 (PB3)
Elevation Up Limit return (0V = Up Limit)
EL Up Limit TB1-4
7 (PB5)
Polarization CW Limit return (0V = CW Limit)
POL CW Limit TB?-?
8 (PB4)
Polarization CCW Limit return (0V = CCW Limit)
POL CCW Limit TB?-?
Drive Common (return path for AZ, EL, & POL drive
command lines)
No connect
10 (PC0)
PC0 output dry contact NC, (3A @ 125VAC or 3A @
30VDC). unused
11 (P0.2)
P0.2 Auxiliary analog/digital input 0 - +5 VDC.
Ground (for digital/analog I/O).
Ground for system bus voltages.
14 (PC3)
Summary Fault dry contact NC, (3A @ 125VAC or 3A @
15 (PB1)
AzimuthCW Limit source (5V = when LCU is on)
AZ CW source TB1-5
16 (PB0)
AzimuthCCW Limit source (5V = when LCU is on)
AZ CW source TB1-5
17 (PB2)
Elevation Down Limit source (5V = when LCU is on)
EL Down source TB1-5
18 (PB3)
Elevation Up Limit source (5V = when LCU is on)
EL Up source TB1-5
19 (PB5)
Polarization CW Limit source (5V = when LCU is on)
POL CW source TB1-5
20 (PB4)
Polarization CCW Limit source (5V = when LCU is on)
POL CCW source TB1-5
21 (PC1)
unused output
No connect
22 (PC0)
PC0 output dry contact COM, (3A @ 125VAC or 3A @
30VDC). (unused)
No connect
23 (PC0)
PC0 output dry contact NO, (3A @ 125VAC or 3A @
30VDC). (unused)
No connect.
+5 Volts DC digital power, 200mA max.
Unregulated +24 VDC bus voltage, 0.3 Amp max..
Once the above connections have been made, verify that antenna motion in the appropriate direction can
be affected from the front panel in MANUAL mode. You may now continue the RC2500 installation with
sections 3.3.3 through 3.5.