Software features, Introduction, Setting the soft limits – Research Concepts RC2500 User Manual

Page 161: Corrupted limits alarm messages

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RC2500 Antenna Controller

Appendix S

Andrew Plug Compatible Controller

Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA

Software Features

The software features of the RC2500A/B Andrew are identical to those described in the manual except

for the addition of support for “Soft” Limits. The standard RC2500 supports “Hard” limits. Hard limits are

limits that exist due to the operation of an electromechanical switch on the antenna. “Soft” limits are

those that exist only in the memory of the ACU.

Setting Soft Limits for RC2500 Controllers which Replace Andrew Products


RC2500 software version 1.14 added support for user specified azimuth, elevation, and polarization

limits. The Andrew LMKDS and NPL 9000 antenna interface units (AIU’s) do not provide limit status

information to the RC2500. These AIU’s do process limit information to keep the antenna from moving

past a physical limit but do not provide limit information to the RC2500. The software modification

described here allows a user to input limit information to the RC2500. If the limit information is valid the

RC2500 will not allow movements of the antenna outside of the region defined by the user-specified

limits. When the antenna reaches a limit a limit indication will be displayed in the appropriate position

display field when the controller is operating in a mode where antenna position information is displayed.

Setting the Soft Limits

The user specifies the position of the soft limits via the RC2500’s CONFIG mode. Six additional CONFIG

mode items have been added. These are Azim CCW Limit, Azim CW Limit, Elev Down Limit, Elev Up

Limit, Pol CCW Limit, and Pol CW Limit.

Here is the procedure for setting the soft limits (this assumes that the antenna’s mechanical limit switches

are installed and properly adjusted)…

1. Verify that the Reverse Az Sensor Direction, Reverse El Sensor Direction, and Reverse Pol Sensor

Direction CONFIG mode items have been properly initialized as described in section 3.xx.

2. Verify that the Azim Display Offset, Elev Display Offset, and Pol Display Offset CONFIG mode items

have been initialized as described in section 3.xx.

3. To determine the location of the antenna’s azimuth CCW limit, from the RC2500’s MANUAL mode jog

the antenna in the azimuth CCW direction until the antenna quits moving due to activation of the

azimuth CCW limit switch. Jog the antenna in the azimuth CW direction approximately 3 degrees.

Record the displayed azimuth position. The range of displayed azimuth position values is 0.0 to

359.99 degrees.

4. To determine the location of the antenna’s azimuth CW limit, from the RC2500’s MANUAL mode jog

the antenna in the azimuth CW direction until the antenna quits moving due to activation of the

azimuth CW limit switch. Jog the antenna in the azimuth CCW direction approximately 3 degrees.

Record the displayed azimuth position.

5. From CONFIG mode, initialize the Azim CCW Limit and Azim CW Limit items to the azimuth positions

recorded in steps 3 and 4 above. Be sure to terminate each entry by hitting the ENTER key.

6. The elevation down/up and polarization ccw/cw limits are determined in a similar manner. Note that

the range of displayed elevation positions is –99.99 to 260.00 degrees and the range of displayed

polarization positions is –99.9 to 260.0 degrees.

Corrupted Limits Alarm Messages

The soft limit data is stored in the controller’s non-volatile memory. The controller constantly checks the

validity of non-volatile memory. If the controller detects that any of the limits are corrupt the ‘LIMITS

ALARM’ error message will flash on the bottom row of the display.