Resetting the limits – Research Concepts RC2500 User Manual
Page 163

RC2500 Antenna Controller
Appendix S
Andrew Plug Compatible Controller
Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA
characters. The alarm display system will display the ‘LIMITS ALARM’ message if items a and c given
above are not met for each of the limits associated with the azimuth, elevation, and polarization axis.
Resetting the Limits
When the Reset System Data CONFIG mode item is employed to reset system data the lower limits for
each axis (azimuth CCW, elevation down, and polarization CCW) are set to 0 and the upper limit for each
axis (azimuth CW, elevation up, and polarization CW) are set to 65535. The checksums for all limits are
also validated. This will disable the display of the ‘LIMITS ALARM’ message.
In certain cases it may be advantageous to reset the limits without resetting all system data. The
following procedure can be employed to reset the limits associated with a given axis.
a) Record the value of the display offset associated with the axis.
b) Reset the display offset associated with the axis by entering 0.0 at the appropriate CONFIG
mode prompt.
c) Reset the lower limit associated with the axis (azimuth CCW, elevation down, or polarization
CCW) by entering 0.0 at the appropriate CONFIG mode prompt.
d) If resetting the azimuth limits set the Azimuth CW Limit to 359.99. If resetting the elevation or
polarization limits, set the Elevation Up Limit or Polarization CW Limit to –0.01.
e) Reinitialize the offset associated with the axis whose limits are being reset to the value
recorded in step a above.
Rc25_lmkds_add.doc completed 4.2.00 by SMM