Inputs & outputs – Orion System RNE Modular Controller User Manual
Page 51

RNE Modular Controller Field Technical Guide
RNE Outputs and VCM-X Expansion Module Inputs & Outputs
R1 - Supply Fan (Enable)
This is a non-confi gurable output.
R2-R5 - User-Confi gurable Relays
These relays are confi gurable by the user. For all the available confi gura-
tion options, see Table 2 on page 52.
By using all (4) of the available relay outputs on the RNE Controller
and the (4) relay outputs on the VCM-X Expansion Module, you have
the ability to confi gure up to a combined total of (8) relay outputs for
Heating Stages, Cooling Stages, and options 3 through 12 listed in Table
2 on page 52. With the addition of the 12-Relay Expansion Module, you
have an additional (12) relay outputs available for a combined total of 20.
NOTE: The Binary Inputs require wet contacts (24 VAC only) to
recognize an active input. If you provide dry contacts,
the contact closure will not be recognized.
VCM-X Expansion Module
AI1 - Outdoor Air Humidity Sensor Input
This input is used to connect an Outdoor Air Humidity Sensor that when
combined with the Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor reading is used to
calculate a Dewpoint and/or Wetbulb Temperature. The Outdoor Air
Dewpoint Temperature is used to activate the Dehumidifi cation Mode
on MUA and CAV confi gured units which utilize the CAV/MUA Dual
Damper Mode (Hood On/Off) control feature. The Wetbulb Temperature
is used for Economizer enthalpy control.
AI2 - Indoor Air Humidity Sensor Input
The Indoor Air Humidity Sensor is used to activate Dehumidifi cation
Mode on a VAV or CAV unit. The Sensor can be a Wall-Mounted Space
Humidity Sensor or a Return Air Duct Mounted Humidity Sensor.
AI3 - Economizer Feedback
If Title 24 Economizer operation has been confi gured, this input will be
used for the 0-10 VDC Feedback Signal from the Economizer actuator.
AI4 - Building Pressure Sensor Input
This Sensor is only required if you wish to confi gure the RNE Controller
for Building Pressure Control. Building Pressure Control can be accom-
plished by using one of two main control methods. One control method
uses the 0-10 VDC signal to control an Exhaust Fan VFD or an Exhaust
Damper Actuator for Direct Acting Pressure Control applications. In ad-
dition, for Reverse Acting Pressure Control applications, it can control
an Outdoor Air Damper Actuator. The other available control method
is to confi gure one of the Output Relays as an Exhaust Fan output that
will activate the Exhaust Fan any time the Building Pressure is above
the Building Pressure Setpoint.
SIG - Not Used
+V - 5 VDC Power - Not Used
AO1 - Building Pressure Control Signal
This voltage signal (0-10 VDC) is used to provide an output signal to a
Building Pressure Control device. The output signal can be connected
to either an Exhaust Fan VFD or an Exhaust Damper Actuator when
Direct Acting Building Pressure Control is required. When Reverse
Acting Building Pressure Control is required, the output signal would
be connected to an Outdoor Air Damper Actuator. When used in this
application, the output signal must be confi gured for Reverse Acting
AO2 - Modulating Heating Signal
This output signal can be confi gured for either a 0-10 VDC or a 2-10
VDC output signal. This signal can be confi gured for either Direct Act-
ing or Reverse Acting operation. This output signal is used to operate
Modulating Heating Device to maintain the Heating Supply
Air Temperature Setpoint.
AO3 -
Modulating Cooling Signal
This output signal can be confi gured for either 0-10 VDC or 2-10 VDC
output signals. This signal can be confi gured for either Direct Acting or
Reverse Acting operation. This output signal is used to operate a Modu-
lating Cooling Device to maintain the Cooling Supply Air Temperature
Setpoint. VFD Compressors will be controlled out of the appropriate
outputs from either the Full Digital Module or Water Source Heat Pump
Module as shown on pages 40-45.
AO4 - Return Air Damper Signal
This output signal is a Direct Acting 0-10 VDC output signal that is used
to modulate a Return Air Damper Actuator in concert with a Return Air
Bypass Damper Actuator for AAON
PAC or DPAC control schemes.
AO5 - Return Air Bypass Damper Signal
This output signal is a Direct Acting 0-10 VDC output signal that is used
to modulate a Return Air Bypass Damper Actuator in concert with a
Return Air Damper Actuator for AAON
PAC or DPAC control schemes.
PR OUT - Not Used
R1-R4 - User-Confi gurable Relay Outputs
Confi gure relays as indicated by the factory wiring diagram when
mounted controls are used. The options are listed in Table 2 on page 52.
*BI1 - Emergency Shutdown Input*
This wet contact input is used to initiate shutdown of the HVAC unit
when an N.C. Smoke Detector (by others), Firestat (by others), or other
shutdown condition (by others) contact is opened. The controller remains
active and can initiate alarm relays.
*BI2 - Dirty Filter Contact Closure Input*
This wet contact input is required for Filter Status Indication and requires
a Differential Pressure Switch to initiate “Dirty Filter” indication.
*BI3 - Proof of Flow Input
A Proof of Flow Switch that provides a wet contact closure whenever
the HVAC unit Supply Fan is operating can be connected to this input.
If the Proof of Flow Switch contact opens while the Supply Fan is op-
erating, all Heating and Cooling is suspended or disabled. The Proof of
Flow Switch is an optional input. This means that you must confi gure
the RNE Controller to recognize this input signal.