Omnia Audio Omnia.9/XE User Manual

Page 80

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French Kiss – by Leif Claesson

A 6-band preset reminiscent of the type of processing favored in France a decade or two ago, “French
Kiss” offers up lots of clean, distortion-free bass and uses the WB AGC2 compressor to intentionally and
noticeably pump the audio when the bass kicks in. While less suited for typical commercial formats, it
pairs very well with electronic dance music.

Helix – by Jesse Graffam

“Helix” is a 7-band preset that sports a smiley-face EQ curve to deliver a solid low end and sparkling
highs, but still provides a nice open mid-range sound. This preset uses the maximum amount of multi-
band range, an Infinite:1 multi-band ratio, and a fair amount of high-frequency limiting to deeply re-
equalize and re-balance virtually any input.

Imagine Hot Mid – by Rob Morsink

This bright and loud 3-band preset puts and emphasis on mids and highs and employs a fast release time
in the WB AGC-1 compressor to keep levels consistent going into the multi-band AGC section which uses
light ratios over threshold. A great preset for making vocals shimmer and for bringing out all the details in
the upper frequencies.

Jill FM – by Jesse Graffam

A 7-band preset inspired by the eclectic programming of the “Jack” formats, “Jill FM” provides excellent
vocal and lyrical clarity and a super-smooth mid-range. This preset uses a tight ratio on the AGC but
loose multi-band ratios and heavier multi-band limiting. Carefully designed not to over-process the bass
or high end, this is a great choice for stations with a high female demographic or with long-term listening
as a goal who still need to maintain a competitive degree of loudness.

Motor City – by Jesse Graffam

A 7-band preset that unapologetically delivers an in-your-face rock sound, “Motor City” gets a little edgy in
the mid-range but is never harsh. This preset makes use of Omnia.9/XE’s Wideband AGC2 after the
multi-band section, and while it uses a gentle multi-band ratio below threshold, it makes extensive use of
tighter ratios in all bands via the Gain Reduction Override feature.

New York – by Jesse Graffam

One of Omnia.9/XE’s loudest factory presets, “New York” uses 6-bands of fast multi-band release times,
lots of multi-band limiting, low multi-band AGC thresholds, and a generous amount of clipping to burn a
hole in the dial with a very dense, compressed sound. A very generous bass boost from the parametric
EQ creates a loud, harmonic-rich bass but never forces its way into the mids or highs. If you want
maximum loudness, this is a good starting preset that can be backed down in several ways as needed to
trade off a bit of that loudness for a cleaner sound.

Northridge HD – by Jim Kuzman and Leif Claesson

“Northridge HD” is a 7-band preset that makes use of the Wideband AGC2 compressor in “Bass Only”
mode to deliver lots of bass punch. Loudness is built relying more upon the dynamics section rather than
the final limiter, specifically through the use of the Wideband AGC1 compressor and the multiband
limiters. It is also one of the brightest and “coolest” factory presets in terms of spectral balance and can
be made louder if needed by increasing the final limiter drive.

NYC Attack of the Camclones – by Jesse Graffam

Slightly louder than “New York,” “Attack of the Camclones” provides a huge, tight, dense bass texture,
uses fast attack and release times to build density, and has dip in the lower mids to keep male vocals
from becoming muddy. It also foregoes any stereo enhancement. A great choice for the CHR format or
anyone who wants an ear-catching, prominent sound.

Factory Presets