Omnia Audio Omnia.9/XE User Manual
Page 11
• Choose the number of stations by sliding the “Number of Stations” control. If you are using a
mouse, hold down the left mouse button while dragging the slider. On a touch-screen tablet or PC,
press and hold the slider while dragging it. Remember that any stations in excess of the number
included with your license key(s) will run in demo mode and include a voice-over.
• Set the number of ASIO devices (Audio Streaming Input/Output) or WDM devices (Windows Driver
Model) as appropriate for your particular configuration using the respective sliders.
• Choose a sample rate (44.1 or 48kHz) keeping in mind that this is a global setting and all stations
must use the same sample rate. If you are using the Axia Livewire driver, you must use 48kHz.
Please note that all encoders have high-quality sample rate converters at their inputs, so it is still
possible to output a 44.1kHz stream even when using a 48kHz global sample rate.
• Select “Settings” then “Encoders per Station” to select the type and quantity of encoder(s) needed.
Encoding formats include AAC, MP3, WMA, and MP2. Each format can support up to four
independent streams with different encoder settings per station. A detailed explanation of the
benefits and drawbacks of each encoding format along with some recommended settings is
included in the section on encoding.
Initial Setup and Configuration