Rta menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9/XE User Manual
Page 39
• The Undo Pre patch points allow you to view the audio signal from each of the 5 individual bands
of the Undo section after the de-clipper but before Undo’s multiband expansion in either the left or
right channel.
• The Undo Post patch points allow you to view the audio signal from each individual band or the
combined output of all bands of the Undo section after the de-clipper AND after Undo’s multiband
expansion in either the left or right channel.
• The Undo Control Signal patch points allows you to view the control signal from each of the
individual bands in either the left or right channel.
• The Sidechains (SC) menu allows you to display left- and right-channel audio signals from both the
sidechains and output sections of the Input AGC, Wideband AGC1, Wideband AGC2, and
Wideband AGC3 compressors.
• From the Multiband Solo menu, audio from any one of the bands in the multiband compressor can
be displayed. The number of available bands is determined by the number of bands employed in
the current preset.
RTA Menu
The RTA menu allows you to monitor many of the same sources as those mentioned in the Oscilloscope
menu section. The horizontal scale along the bottom of the RTA screen shows frequencies from 20 to
20,000Hz. The vertical scale along the left side shows the amplitude of the audio in decibels.
• The Delay control works the same here as it does previous and subsequent display sections.
• The RTA Resolution control lets you choose between a 1/3 and 1/6 octave display.
• The Averages control can be used to slow down or speed up the RTA’s display response. A lower
average setting (faster meter response) might be more useful for peak monitoring; while a higher
The Station Menu - Input Menu