Undo main menu, Undo metering menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9/XE User Manual
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• You can rename your current preset, regardless of whether or not is has been modified, by
selecting the Edit Preset Name button to bring up the on-screen keyboard. Type in the new name,
select “OK”, and select Save Preset. The new preset will now appear in the list.
• If your Current Preset has been modified, you also have the option to write over the existing preset
without renaming it by selecting Save Preset.
That said, we strongly recommend that after you’ve made some adjustments and are ready to save those
changes to a Custom Preset you give it a unique name and instead of saving directly over your current
version. That way, should there come a time when you want to revert to a previous incarnation of a
preset, you can do so. You cannot, however, if you continually save over the same preset throughout your
adjustment process instead of giving it a unique name.
Keep in mind that you cannot give a Custom Preset the same name as an existing Factory Preset.
Undo Main Menu
The Undo Main menu contains the controls to enable and disable Undo, to bypass Undo, and to enable
and disable the decliner and multiband expander independently.
• The Power button turns Undo completely on and off. Turning it off reduces latency and CPU load.
• The Bypass control removes both the de-clipper and expander from the audio path but the Undo
process itself continues to operate. This makes it possible to monitor the effects of Undo on the
oscilloscope regardless of whether or not it is affecting the output audio.
• The Enable De-clipper and Enable Expanders buttons turn the de-clipper and expander portions
of Undo on and off independently and respectively.
Undo Metering Menu
The Undo Metering menu determines which of Undo’s four metering functions are displayed in the Undo
Meters window. A more comprehensive explanation of how to read and understand the Undo meters is
provided later in this section when the various Undo controls are explained.
When enabled, the Show Dynamics Detector Meters, Show Expander Ratio Meters, Show Speed
Governor Meters, and Show Expander Threshold Meters allow the associated meters for each
respective section to be displayed in the Undo Meters window.
The Station Menu - Undo Menu