Omnia Audio Omnia.9/XE User Manual

Page 64

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• Each Band Level control has a range of -12 to +12dB in one-quarter dB increments.

• The Band Mix (coupled) control allows you to adjust the output of all bands in the Band Mix

section simultaneously and by an equal amount.

• The Bass Clipper can be enabled or disabled as desired.

• The Bass Clipper Slope control determines the slope characteristics of the bass clipper.

Slope 1 is filtered at a very low frequency so that the low bass stays “clean” even when clipped

hard. However, some of the mid-bass will pass through the clipper, which may result in more of
the final waveform being taken up by the bass. For lighter processing settings, Slope 1 offers
the cleanest and punchiest bass sound.

Slope 2 has a higher cutoff frequency than Slope 1, offering more control over the mid-bass

while creating a “dirtier” bass sound with more harmonics. On certain formats, or when listening
on a smaller radio, this may be a desirable effect.

Slope 1+2 is simply Slope 1 followed by Slope 2. Most of the low bass will be controlled by

Slope 1 and stay nice and clean, while the remaining bass will be taken care of by Slope 2
without affecting the low bass. If you are using heavier overall processing, this option will give
you the cleanest sound.

• The Bass Clipper Threshold control sets the threshold of the Bass Clipper. Raising the threshold

(moving the slider to the left) reduces the amount of clipping performed by the Bass Clipper, but
place a greater burden on the Final Limiter. Conversely, lowering the threshold (moving the slider to
the right) will yield more bass clipping, which takes some of the load off the Final Limiter, but may
result in low frequency distortion if set too low.

• Peak control is provide by the final limiter and can be adjusted with the Final Limiter Drive control

Reducing limiter drive (sliding the control to the left) reduces the amount of limiting and gives you a
more open sound, but at the expense of overall loudness. Conversely, increasing limiter drive
(moving the slider to the right) will result in more limiting and a louder output, but at the expense of

• When the Multiband Limiter control is enabled, each band of the multiband AGC section has a

dedicated limiter associated with it that controls peaks per band. These limiters are bypassed when
this control is disabled, leaving only the Final Limiters to control peaks.

• The Output Level slider sets the final overall output level of the processed audio.

The Station Menu - Processing Menu