Multiband attack/release menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9/XE User Manual

Page 61

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• The Gain Reduction Ratio Override and Gain Reduction Ratio controls work together to let you

set a different ratio for each band when audio in that band crosses above threshold – that is, when
it is driven into gain reduction. The ratio for audio below threshold is always determined by the
Ratio control for all bands. Specifically, the Gain Reduction Ratio Override control enables or
disables the Gain Reduction Ratio controls, which are sliders that let you set the ratio of audio
above threshold from 1:1 to Inf:1.

It is worth mentioning again here the importance of a concept unique to Omnia.9/XE Most (if not all) other
processors “top out at 0” – that is, they constantly operate in a state of gain reduction, and once the audio
falls below threshold, they can no longer increase it any further. To make up for the fact that they are
capable only of reducing gain, they rely upon a “makeup gain” control somewhere downstream in the
audio chain to get the levels back up. Omnia.9/XE is not only capable of gain reduction – that is, driving
audio levels above threshold as other processors do – but is also capable of increasing gain below
threshold, which makes it possible to employ powerful controls like Progressive Release and Gain
Reduction Ratio Override.

Multiband Attack/Release Menu

The Multiband Attack/Release section lets you control the Attack Speed and Release Speed of each
band in the multiband AGC section.

• The Attack speed and Release speed controls work in the same manner as their counterparts in

the other sections of the Omnia.9/XE. However, the behavior of the multiband AGC compressors is
also program-dependent.

• The Attack (coupled) control allows you to adjust the attack speed of all of the bands

simultaneously by an equal amount.

• The Release (coupled) control allows you to adjust the release speed of all the bands

simultaneously by and equal amount.

• The Speed (coupled) control allows you to adjust both the Attack speed and Release speed of all

the bands simultaneously by an equal amount.

• The Peak Sense (Coupled) control simultaneously adjusts the attack and release rates but in

opposition to one another. Sliding the control to the right increases the attack rate and slows the
release rate, making it more peak sensitive. Sliding the control to the left decreases the attack rate
and speeds up the release rate, making it less peak sensitive.

The attack and release speeds of the multiband limiters are program-dependent and not adjustable.

The Station Menu - Processing Menu