Peak detector menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9/XE User Manual
Page 49
• When the dynamics detector falls below a certain level, expansion will begin, starting at a minimum
ratio of 1:1 and increasing to a maximum ratio of 4:1. The point at which that expansion begins to
occur is set by the Expansion Start control in each band.
• The relative point at which the expansion reaches its full 4:1 ratio is determined by the setting of the
Transition Width control in each band.
The detected amount of dynamics in each band is indicated by the Dynamics meters. Taller bars indicate
more inherent dynamics in the music, while shorter bars indicate less dynamics and are generally the
inverse of the Expansion Ratio meters. The result of settings in the Dynamics Detector to Ratio menu
can be observed on the Expansion Ratio meters in the Undo Meter Window.
Peak Detector Menu
Undo measures audio peaks as a means by which to set the expander thresholds based upon the
incoming program audio. The Peak Detector Menu controls the attack and release speed of each band of
Undo’s Peak Detectors.
• The Attack speed controls determine how quickly Undo reacts to incoming audio peaks. Faster
settings will make Undo more reactive to smaller incoming peaks by raising the threshold. Slower
settings will effectively lower the threshold.
• The Release speed controls determine how quickly Undo allows the peak values to fall back toward
the actual audio levels. Faster times will cause the peak levels to fall more quickly.
The effect of the Peak Detector settings is represented by the peak “blips” at the top of the dark orange
peak level bars within the Expander Threshold meters in the Undo Meter window. Average levels are
indicated by the bright orange bars.
The Station Menu - Undo Menu