Nortec DRAABE Pure Water System User Manual
Page 26
Created: 21.09.2006
Changed: 29.02.2008
Printed: 02.03.2009
page 26 of 59
= 500 litres/h x (16°dH + 5°dH) x 8h = 84000 litres
To be selected: a WSD 120 with capacity of 120,000 litres per resin cartridge.
For questions about computation of humidification rates please contact DRAABE Ottawa.
Water Supply
The DRAABE Pure Water System may only be operated with soft water. This prerequisite
is fulfilled if the water is pre processed with a DRAABE Water Softener. On the other hand,
well water, rain water and fully desalinated water are not allowed. As a matter of principle,
the water may not contain any colloids or organic substances.
The DRAABE Air Humidification System is equipped with automatic rinsing intervals and a
subsystem for keeping the water fresh so that stagnant water does not become contami-
nated by germs. For these important hygienic functions to be carried out at all times, the
System may not be turned off and its water supply may not be interrupted.
Processing water from reverse osmosis systems still contains a residue of salts between 1
and 5% of the original water. This minimal residue is discharged by the air humidification
system into air in the room. Therefore, the air humidification system is not suitable for appli-
cations for which an especially high standard for lack of particles in the room's air is re-
quired (clean rooms, computing centres, etc.).
As a monopropellant jet system, the DRAABE air humidifier system places special de-
mands on the water it is to atomise. It may only be operated with desalinated and virtually
bacteria-free pure water.
Only treated water may be used. That means a three-stage treatment process must always
be run before the water can be fed in to the HighPur.
All the following requirements in terms of water treatment are extremely important to en-
sure safe, hygienic functioning. The operator shall ensure that the following requirements
are met on a permanent basis. The requirements for a water treatment are met if a
DRAABE pure water system is used. Of course, such systems must also be subjected to
regular checking and maintenance.
A water flow pressure of 3 - 4 bar (44-58 psi) must be maintained continuously for reliable
functioning of the Pure Water System to be guaranteed. The flow pressure may not exceed
4 bar (58 psi).