Credits – NewTek LiveText User Manual

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Acknowledgments: Tim Jenison, Jim Plant

Engineering: Andrew Cross, Alvaro Suarez, Brian Brice, Cary Tetrick, Charles Steinkuehler, Dan Fletcher, Gil
Triana, Greg Heine, Jagannadh Malla, James Killian, Jan Uribe, Jarrod Davis, Jeremy Brosius, Jeremy
Wiseman, John Perkins, Karen Zipper, Kevin Rouviere, Kirk Morger, Liviu Corsatea, Mahdi Mohajer, Masaaki
Konno, Menghua Wang, Michael Joiner, Michael Watkins, Mike Murphy, Nathan Kovner, Naveen
Jayakumar, Ryan Hansberger, Shawn Wisniewski, Steve Bowie, Todd Bryant, Troy Stevenson

Additional thanks to:

NewTek Marketing and Sales
NewTek Customer Service

This product uses the FreeImage library. This is licensed under the LGPL license (see link below).
For the source, and the ability to change and recompile this component, please visit :

This product uses the LAME library. This is licensed under the LGPL license (see link below).
For the source, and the ability to change and recompile this component, please visit :

This product uses the FAAC library. This is licensed under the LGPL license (see link below).
For the source, and the ability to change and recompile this component, please visit :

This product uses the FFMPEG library. This is licensed under the LGPL license (see link below).
For the source, and the ability to change and recompile this component, please visit :

For a copy of the LGPL licence, please visit :
Portions use Microsoft Windows Media Technologies. Copyright (c)1999-2011 Microsoft Corporation. All
Rights reserved.

Copyright 2015 NewTek Inc., 5131 Beckwith Blvd. San Antonio, TX USA 78249.

Trademarks: NewTek, TriCaster,

TriCaster XD, TriCaster 8000, TriCaster TCXD8000, TCXD8000, TriCaster 860, TriCaster TCXD860, TCXD860, TriCaster 460,
TriCaster TCXD460, TCXD460, TriCaster 410, TriCaster TCXD410, TCXD410, TriCaster Mini, TriCaster 40, TriCaster TCXD40,
TCXD40, TriCaster 855, TriCaster TCXD855, TCXD855, TriCaster 455, TriCaster TCXD455, TCXD455, TriCaster EXTREME,
TriCaster 850 EXTREME, TriCaster TCXD850 EXTREME, TCXD850 EXTREME, TriCaster 450 EXTREME, TriCaster TCXD450
EXTREME, TCXD450 EXTREME, TriCaster 850, TriCaster TCXD850, TCXD850, TriCaster 450, TriCaster TCXD450, TCXD450,
TriCaster 300, TriCaster TCXD300, TCXD300, TriCaster PRO, TriCaster STUDIO, TriCaster BROADCAST, TriCaster DUO,
3PLAY, 3Play, 3Play 4800, 3PXD4800, 3Play 440, 3PXD440, 3Play Mini, 3Play 820, 3PXD820, 3Play 425, 3PXD425 3Play
330, 3PXD330, TalkShow, TalkShow VS100, ProTek, ProTek Care, ProTek Elite, iVGA, SpeedEDIT, IsoCorder, LiveText,
DataLink, LiveSet, TriCaster Virtual Set Editor, TriCaster VSE, LiveMatte, TimeWarp, VT, VT[3], VT[4], V[T5], Video Toaster,
Toaster, Inspire 3D, 3D Arsenal, Aura, LightWave, LightWave 3D and LightWave CORE are trademarks, service marks, and
registered trademarks of NewTek. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective