Diadem quick start, Installing diadem, Dia dem – Measurement Computing DIAdem User Manual

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Quick Start Guide 3

DIAdem Quick Start

Reference Note:

DIAdem’s Help Menu, represented by a question mark (?) in the tool bar contains a great deal of helpful information,
including examples and user tips pertaining to all of the DIAdem software features and options.

Installing DIAdem

Minimum System Requirements

IBM compatible computer 80386, with coprocessor

Minimum 66 MHz

At least 8 MB RAM (16 MB RAM or more recommended)

At least 20 MB of available disk space

Microsoft Windows (version 3.1, Windows95/98, or WindowsNT)

Minimum monitor resolution: 800 x 600 pixels

Installation Steps


More than likely you installed DIAdem during the installation of the primary Data Acquisition Software for
your device. If you already installed DIAdem, please ignore the following steps.


Install Software.


Insert the install CD-ROM and wait for

your PC to auto-access the CD.


When the Data Acquisition Software – Master Setup
screen appears, check:

“DIAdem Post Acquisition Data Analysis Program.”


Click Start Install.


Choose a DIAdem Installation Type.
You will be prompted to choose a DIAdem installation


: Select one of these two options unless you purchased a licensed version of DIAdem.


DIAdem Shell + View for IOtech Customers

Installs a free version with DIAdem Shell and DIAdem View.

This version is provided free to users of IOtech hardware.


DIAdem 30 Day Trial – Select this installation type if you did not purchase a licensed version of DIAdem,

but would like to try out DIAdem’s expanded features.

Select one of the above options unless you purchased a DIAdem licensed version. Do not confuse the
“Standard” Licensed version (below) with the DIAdem
Shell + View for IOtech Customers version, as
these are completely different installs
. To install any of the following three “Licensed” versions you must
have a license disk and password
. The DIAdem program will inform you when to insert a License Disk,
password, and user name.


DIAdem Licensed Version

(Customized)Allows you to specify the installed software components for licensed



DIAdem Licensed Version

(Minimized) – Installs only the program files for Licensed DIAdem. There are no “quick

view” or “help files” installed.


DIAdem Licensed Version

(Standard)Installs program, “quick view,” and documentation files for a DIAdem

licensed version.

If you purchased a licensed version of DIAdem, a license disk and password were included in your
order. The DIAdem install program will inform you when to insert the License Disk and when to
enter your license password and user name.


Click <Next> (after making your selection from step 2).