Introduction, 1 general description – Measurement Computing Serial488/4 User Manual
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Section 1
1.1 General Description
The Serial488/4 is a four port serial RS-232 or RS-422 interface to the IEEE 488
bus. Each port can be independently programmed for baud rate, stop bits, data bits,
parity and handshaking. The Serial488/4 can inform the bus controller
that it has
received data through the use of the SRQ facility or by direct inquiry of the number
of serial input bytes available.
The Serial488/4 uses a command address in w hich the serial port parameters
may be specified and serial port or command status is returned. T he serial data is
then sent and received on a separate address or addresses, providing data transparency
between the serial device and host controller.
The Serial488/4 serial port configuration may be saved in non-volatile RA M to
be used as the default settings w
hen next pow ered on, allowing a once only
configuration of the device for many applications.