JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual
Page 93

JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0
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18.9 Storing PAR channels on PAR fader banks
The Licon 1X comes with 12 faders for the storage of PAR channels on PAR fader banks. On faders 1-8,
fixed values (permanent cues) can be stored. On faders 9-12, chases can be stored in addition.
These 12 faders can be switched four times by the key combination „SHIFT + Flash keys 1-4 (green
LED). Thus a total of 48 faders can be used to store PAR channels.
18.9.1 Storing fixed values on PAR faders (faders 1 - 8)
Select the desired PAR channels with the help of the individual programming
functions (Chapters 18.1 to 18.6) and press the Store key in the PAR section
(LED of Store key is lit). Then select a fader (1-8) in the PAR section and press
the flash key located below this fader.
The following display appears for the keys 1 to 8 (no chase function):
Press the key NAME and enter the name of the faders with
the keypad. In our example, the name of the fader is “BLAU”
If you wish to store this step on another fader or to store it as
cue, press and hold the COPY key and simultaneously select
another flash key (1-8) or a Cue key.
Press the Store key in the PAR section again to confirm the storage process (LED of the Store key is no
longer lit).
18.9.2 Storing PAR channels on Chase PAR faders (faders C1 - C4)
Select the desired PAR channels with the help of the individual programming
functions (Chapters 18.1 to 18.6) and press the Store key in the PAR section
(LED of Store key is lit). Then select a fader (C1-C4) in the PAR section and
press the flash key located below this fader.
Note: If the storage process is carried out in the PAR section, these flash keys correspond to the keys
C1-C4 of the Chase section.