JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual

Page 46

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JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0

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7.3 AUTSEL / Automatic fixture selection

If the Autsel function (automatic selection of fixtures) was assiged to a cue and this
cue is activated, the LEDs of those fixtures are lit in the Fixture Selection block, which
are stored on this cue. The moving lights thus selected are active and their
parameters can be modified.

7.3.1 Activating and deactivating the Autsel function

To activate the AUTSEL function, consecutively press the Edit cue in the Combi section and the cue key,
on which the cue to be edited is stored. The following display is shown:

Press the corresponding softkey to activate the AUTSEL
function. When the function is active, the softkey is displayed

Press the softkey AUTSEL again and the function is

7.4 Editing the name

Press the softkey NAME. The field on the display is shown inverted. Then delete the
previously entered name with the arrow key. Enter the new name with the double-assigned
keys of the Cues/Chases/Sequences section.
Press the softkey NAME again, the entry is stored and the labelling mode is left.

7.5 Editing fixture parameters

After pressing the softkey MODIFY, all DMX values entered for the fixtures can be modified. When the
field is shown inverted on the display, you have access to the keys of the Feature Selection block The
values stored on these keys can be changed with the encoder wheels or the Preset keys, when the
inidvidual keys have been activated.
To store the mofidications, press the Store key and the storage matrix appears on the display. Modify the
matrix as planned. Press Store key again to confirm the storage (the field MODIFY on the display is no
longer shown inverted).

 Press Edit key again or the ESC key to leave the Edit menu.

7.6 Copying a cue to another cue key

Enter the Edit menu of the Combi section. Activate a cue by pressing the corresponding cue key. Press
and hold the softkey COPY and select the storage place (cue key), on which you wish to store the cue.
Release both keys again and the storage process is completed. You can now recall the corresponding
cue from both cue keys.

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