JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual

Page 79

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JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0

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15.2 The NAME function

During the storage process, you can name the sequence. Press the softkey NAME and enter the name
with the double-assigned keys of the Cues/Chases/Sequences section. Press the softkey NAME again to
leave the function.

15.3 The SINGLE function

Use the softkey SINGLE to enter, whether the sequence shall run endlessly as loop or run only once.
SINGLE inverted:

Sequence stops after the last step.

SINGLE not inverted: Sequence runs endlessly as loop.

15.4 The LINK F function

Use the softkey LINK F to enter, whether the fade time shall be processed as absolute numbers
(seconds) or as percentage values depending on the NextTime.
LINK F invertied:

fade time in percent.

LINK F not inverted:

fade time in absolute values.

15.5 Entering runtimes

The following runtimes are available for each

FADETIME: fade-in time of a step
TRIGPOINT: Switching time of all parameters that
are not faded
NEXTTIME: duration of the entire step

The runtimes of a step can be entered as
absolute values (in seconds) or as percentage
values depending on the NextTime (fade time and

It is useful to enter the runtimes in percent, if the sequence should not only run depending on the
NextTime, but if the speed should also be controlled manually afterwards.

Illustration of the different runtimes:

 Length of the individual steps

The NextTime determines the length of the step. Press the softkey NEXTT and enter the NextTime with
the right encoder wheel (NEXTTIME).

 Length of the fade time / data in seconds

The fade time is entered with the left encoder wheel (FADETIME). The value is displayed in seconds,
when the softkey LINK F is not displayed inverted.

 Length of the fade time / data in percent

The fade time is entered with the left encoder wheel (FADETIME). Press the softkey LINK F. The value is
displayed as percentage value and the function field is displayed inverted.

 Switching time (Trigpoint)

The Trigpoint is referred to as switching time for all parameters that are not faded. Press the softkey
TRIGP and enter the Trigpoint data with the right encoder wheel (TRIGPOINT).

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