JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual
Page 86

JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0
- 86 -
18. Programming in the PAR section
In the Licon 1X, you have access to PAR/dimmer channels in two main sections, namely the Combi
section and the PAR section.
The Combi section enables the use of combined cues, chases or sequences, which allow access to
both PAR channels and fixture channels.
The Combi section works exclusivley according to the LTP principle, i.e. the value entered last for a
channel takes precedence.
The currently valid PAR values of the Combi section are shown on the corresponding feature pages.
The brightness values are controlled with the middle master fader (Combi Par) and output via DMX
Fields of application of the combined storage of PAR and fixture data are for example:
music–synchronised shows, which are programmed in the timeline editor
complete sequences e.g. for theatre applications
combined colour states for live performances
complete remote-controlled shows, e.g. via MIDI
in general: all fields of application, where complete lighting or colour states are already
determined before the time of programming
The data of combined PAR/fixture cues are generally stored with the Store key
in the Combi section.
The Par section enables access to storage functions of cues or chases that only contain PAR/dimmer
data. If cues and chases, which contain only PAR data, are stored on the corresponding cue and chase
keys, 200 cues and 96 PAR storage places are available exclusively for the PAR section.
The DMX output of the currently valid values works on the HTP principle. This means that the currently
highest value for a channel takes precedence.
Cues and Chases of the Par section are exclusively recalled with the keys and faders of the Par section
of the Licon 1X.
The left master fader (PAR) is used to activate the functions of the Par section.
Cues containing only PAR data are stored with the Store key in the Par
Fields of application of the Par section are for example:
front light, which is controlled manually during a show
effect lights, e.g. ACL sets
in general: all fields of application, where the user requires direct access to lighting and colour
states during a show
Thanks to the flexible combined use of both sections, the use of PAR channels with the Licon 1X is
considerably simplified in many fiels of application.
Direct access to PAR channels as well as the programming and editing of all presets, cues,
chases and sequences for the Combi and Par section take exclusively place in the Combi section
(also pure PAR presets can only be stored in the Combi section).
This means for the visual control of PAR channels:
activate middle master fader (Combi PAR)
deactivate left master fader (PAR)