JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual
Page 22

JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0
- 22 -
2.10.5 Assigning MIDI notes
Assigning MIDI notes, when the Licon 1X is connected to a MIDI device:
If the softkey DIRECT is not displayed inverted during assignment of MIDI notes to cue, chase and
sequence keys, access is only obtained to Page 1, Bank A.
If the softkey DIRECT is displayed inverted also cues, chases and sequences can be assigned that are
stored on the other pages and banks..
Press the softkey CONFIG and then MIDI to activate the MIDI menu. Now press a random key on the
connected keyboard. The display shows the MIDI note (e.g G 5). (A preprogrammed assignment of cues,
chases and sequences to MIDI notes is available, which is not binding, however. You can change this
assignment by selecting another cue, chase or sequence key.)
To assign a cue to the MIDI note, press the cue key, on which you want to store the corresponding cue.
The assignment is shown on the display.
Bear in mind that you will have access to pages 2 and 3 and the banks B, C and D only when the softkey
DIRECT is displayed inverted!
Assigning MIDI notes, when the Licon 1X is not connected to a MIDI device:
If no MIDI device is available to you when you make the assignment of MIDI notes, then you can select
the MIDI notes with the middle encoder wheel. The assignment of the MIDI notes to the cue, chase and
sequence section is carried out by pressing the corresponding keys.
Bear in mind that also here you will have access to pages 2 and 3 and the banks B, C and D only when
the softkey DIRECT is displayed inverted!
2.10.6 Assigning softkeys
The sofkeys are designated DISP. MIDI notes are assigned to
these keys as described under „Assigning MIDI notes, when
the Licon 1X is connected to a MIDI device“.
The softkeys DISP1, DISP2, DISP 3, DISP 13, DISP 14 or the
ECS key can only be selected with the S-KEY. Press the S-
KEY again and again until the desired key appears (e.g. KEY
: DISP13“).