JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual
Page 37

JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0
- 37 -
5.2 Preprogrammed moving patterns
The Licon 1X offers six different moving patterns. These moving patterns are activated by pressing the
Moving-Pattern key twice. You will find the Moving-Pattern key in the Feature Selection block.
As with all other parameters, you can store moving patterns as presets.
The individual field have the following functions:
OFF: stops the movement of all activated fixtures.
CLRPH: sets a programmed phase shift of the activated fixture to 0.
CLRINV: converts a negative inversion into a positive inversion.
inverts the movement of all activated fixtures.
WAVE: see Phase function (5.2.1).
2-WAVE: see Phase function (5.2.1).
SYM1: inverts the movement of every second fixture.
SYM2: inverts the movement of the second half of the selected fixtures.
circular movements
Lissajou (double circle)
: sweeps up - down
: sweeps left - right
: diagonal sweep (left down/right up)
: diagonal sweep (left up/right down)
SIZE : size of the moving patterns.
SPEED: speed of the moving patterns.
PHASE: phase shift.
Before you can enter a moving pattern, activate the desired fixtures first (LED is lit, the fixture is displayed
inverted). Then press the key of the desired moving pattern and enter size and speed with the Size and
Speed encoder. Take care that size and speed are in due proportion. Fixtures of different manufacturers
often diverge in speed and mirror movement. The size/speed ratio must be chosen in such a way that the
fixture is able to carry out the complete movement.
If you have entered speed and size correctly and you are nevertheless not satisfied with the result, check
whether your configuration is correct. If you have configured the fixtures in the L-User setup, it is possible
that the Pan or Tilt deflection angle was entered wrongly.
5.2.1 The Phase function
After you have assigned a moving pattern with regard to size and speed to your fixtures, you can assign a
phase shift in addition. Phase designates the different start positions of the fixtures included in the moving
pattern. You will need this function, for example, if you wish to programme a wave. Each movement
pattern is divided into a maximum of 32 phases (numbers 0-31). When you programme a movement with
phase shift, assign different start positions to each fixture. When you programme a wave movement over
32 fixtures, you must first of all activate all fixtures (LEDs are lit). Then recall the preprogrammed moving
pattern with the Feature-Selection key and select the up/down sweep.
Enter size and speed with the encoder wheel.
The phase shift is shown in the last column on the display.
Since the first fixture is to start without phase shift, „00“ must be indicated in this column. Assign the first
phase to the second fixture ( „01“). For this purpose, activate the fixture first and then enter the value with
the left encoder wheel.
Now deactivate the second fixture again and activate the third. Proceed with all fixtures in this way.
Finally, the following display is shown: