JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual
Page 89

JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0
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18.4 The HILITE mode
The HILITE mode is activated with the softkey HILITE. It is activated, when the function field HILITE is
displayed inverted.
In the HILITE mode, always one active channel is highlighted
(alternate switching of the channel between 100% and 0%).
Thus, individual channels can be localised. The DMX value
for the active channel can be changed either with the middle
encoder wheel or with the first fader in the PAR section.
This mode requires that the middle master fader (C-PAR) is
raised. In order to avoid confusion, slide the left master fader
(PAR) back to 0.
If the HILITE mode is activated, the channel selected starts
flashing. If a DMX value is entered either with fader 1 of the
PAR section or with the middle encoder wheel (PAR), the
channel stops flashing and assumes the value.
Use the left encoder wheel to select the channel that shall be activated and thus subjected to the HILITE
Fields of application:
Simple and comfortable subsequent change of DMX values of preprogrammed presets, cues,
chases and sequences by adjustment of individual channels.
This function facilitates working with the lighting control console, if you do not know exactly, on
which key you have stored the individual fixtures.
18.5 The PAROUT mode
The PAROUT mode is activated with the softkey PAROUT. The mode is activated, when the function field
PAROUT is displayed inverted.
In the PAROUT mode you can e.g. take over previously
programmed cues into chases.
Activate the PAROUT mode and select the desired cue by
raising the corresponding fader. The DMX value of the cue is
shown on the display. Now press the Store key in the PAR
section and then one of the flash keys located beneath the
chase faders. Confirm the process by pressing the Store key
Always all values are stored that are shown on the display.
(In this mode it does not matter which of the two master
faders is raised, since all values are stored that are shown on
the display.)
Fields of application:
Visual control of cues or chases of the absolute PAR section important, when you are
programming in the blackout mode (without level output via DMX).
Use of already programmed cues of the absolute PAR section to create other lighting states
composed of several cues.
Use of already programmed cues of the absolute PAR section to create PAR chases.