JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual
Page 48

JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0
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8. Recalling cues in the fade mode
Whether or not you have assigned a fade time to your cues, you can activate a fade time
with the Fade-Mode fader. The Fade-Mode fader has a higher priority than the fade times
you have stored previously. The scale ranges between 0.0 and 10 seconds. The Time/Man
fade key below has two incorporated LEDs.
If the red LED is lit, the fade time set with the Fade-Mode fader is used.
If the green LED is lit, you can manually fade between two cues. The fading process
between two cues (e.g. Cue A / Cue B) will last, until you have raised the fader to 10
seconds. If you slide the fader back, the second cue (cue B) fades out and the first cue
(Cue A) fades in again. However, if the fader has reached the 10 second limit, you can
recall a new cue. Then Cue B fades out and Cue C in while you are sliding the fader back.