Guralp Systems CMG-3TB User Manual
Page 50

When you are happy with the selection, release the mouse
button, but keep SHIFT held down.
11.When the menu appears, release the SHIFT key. Select Relative
Orientation from the menu that appears.
Two small windows will appear: a small progress window, and
a warning with a legend like
Assuming DEMOX3 is reference N/S
Scream! produces this warning because the reference sensor is
not using a standard N/S channel, but the auxiliary (X) channel.
If you are using a separate digitizer, the warning will not appear.
If you get an error, make sure the streams are in the right order
in the
WaveView window. If you still have problems, you may
have selected too few data points for it to be confident about the
orientation; you should try again with a larger selection, or
when more data is available.
12.After a few seconds, the calculation should finish and two
windows will appear. (One may obscure the other.)
The top window is a graph of
Coherence vs Angle:
Issue C