Gasboy Amoco User Manual
Page 17

Credit & Debit Card Networks
Amoco/DataCard 001
Gasboy CFN Series
The “retain receipt” timer is set incorrectly in the Site Controller table. This timer
should be set at one hour.
The customer waited longer than an hour to try and get their receipt.
If a customer selects NO to the prompt “Receipt? (Yes or No)”, the prompts “Process-
ing Card” and “Select Pump Number” will appear. The card swipe would then be
treated just like another credit transaction at this point.
“ICR” display flashes on DataCard Terminal display window. (AMOCO HELP
DESK/GASBOY HELP DESK) This indicates that the connection between the Gas-
boy Site Controller and the DataCard Terminal is not operating normally. Some possi-
ble causes are:
Site Controller is down, due either to failure of application or loss of power.
Connecting cable is defective or unplugged from either the DataCard Terminal or
Site Controller.
Pump will not dispense fuel after customer swipes card and selects pump number.
(GASBOY HELP DESK) Possible causes are:
Problem with Site Controller operation - not arming pump for fueling.
Customer selected wrong pump number.
Pump not functioning properly.
Pump availability timed out. The time-out value is configured at the site controller,
and will usually be between 90 seconds and three minutes. If the customer does not
lift the nozzle before the time-out is reached, the transaction will be canceled, and
the customer will need to re-swipe their card to fuel.
Pump stops before customer can fill tank. (AMOCO HELP DESK/GASBOY HELP
DESK) Possible causes are:
Amoco limit on outside credit card sales is usually set at $35.00 or $50.00.
Station out of fuel.
Pump malfunction.
If a customer uses their card for more than one transaction during a visit, only the last
transaction to complete will have receipt information available at the ICR.
Some functions of the DataCard will not be available when the ICR function is active.
(i.e., CDL Request/Key Exchange etc.) To perform these functions, the site will need
Switch to ATTENDED mode (if not already there)
Turn ICR off
Perform the function
Turn ICR back on
Switch to UNATTENDED mode (if applicable)
A site will not be able to do a Background Download from the old application (010009)
to the new. There is a space limitation built into the old application, and the new appli-
cation exceeds this limit. Once the new application is loaded via a Director Download,
the VSAT download functionality will operate normally again.
A DataCard Terminal may be shipped with the old application. If a site attempts to turn
ICRs on, but ICR State is not displayed on the Set-up Mode 1 screen, the new applica-
tion (020024) will need to be downloaded.