8 configure fault relay, 1 settings, 2 monitor fault condition – Contemporary Control Systems Compact Managed Switches Software Manual for Web Browser User Manual

Page 39: Configure fault relay, Settings, Monitor fault condition, On 4.4.8)

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4.4.8 Configure Fault Relay

The switch has a relay output that can be used to signal the occurrence of one or more

events. The screen of Figure 34 has two panels — one for relay

Settings and one to

Monitor Fault Condition — and shows that the relay can indicate the loss of a link or

presence of a link on one or many ports. Settings

Port Monitoring (link monitoring of specific ports) can be either Enabled or Disabled.
Relay State determines the behaviour of the relay. By selecting “Make on Fault”, it will

close its contacts once a fault is detected. “Break on Fault” will cause the relay to normally

keep its contacts closed and open them upon detection of a fault. A fault is active when the

condition of a monitored link or port matches its monitored state (see
Relay Automation Time After Startup specifies a port-monitoring delay which allows the

switch to stabilize for 1 to 999 seconds after startup. This is provided because, after

startup, several seconds may be required for the switch to complete auto-negotiation of the

data rate and duplex mode for each port. If the relay were not inhibited during this time, it

could repeatedly activate without a true fault existing.
Relay Reset Method is “Automatic” by default, but can be set to ”Manual”. In “Manual”

mode, clicking on “Clear Relay” will reset the relay. Monitor Fault Condition

As displayed in Figure 34, the user can monitor three conditions on a port-by-port basis


Ignore (the default) removes the port from link monitoring.
No Link (read only) reports a fault, (relay activated) if the link for the port has been lost.
Link Present (read only) reports a fault (relay activated) if a link has been detected on

the port. This option is commonly used as a security feature to detect unauthorized

connections to the switch.
Current Faults (read only) displays conditions when the screen first appears. While on

screen, this report is static; it will only be updated if the refresh option is selected.
After relay activation is noted, the fault should be corrected. If No Link monitoring is in

force, this will require restoration of a broken link or repair of the defective device to

which the switch is connected. On the other hand, if Link Present monitoring is in use,

removing the offending cable or end device will be required.

Status LED on the switch front panel displays a heartbeat blink every 5 seconds

during normal operation. If a fault occurs, it blinks every second — except that EIDX

models maintain the 5-second heartbeat and the LED turns

red to indicate a fault.

The example of Figure 34 is for an 8-port model. Screens for 16- and 24-port models

would Function the same — but display more ports.

(upper panel)

(lower panel)