Figure 3-39 hub statistics screen – Comtech EF Data CDM-570/570L Vipersat User Manual

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Vipersat Configuration


Vipersat CDM-570/570L User Guide

Figure 3-39 Hub Statistics screen

Statistics in the received ACK from each Remote are monitored by the Burst

Controller. These statistics report the fill status of the burst data slot for each

Remote. The Burst Controller builds a table of the group and calculates the rela-

tive data byte count for each Remote. It then calculates the length of the data

slot for each Remote based on the Minimum Slot Length plus a percentage of

the Available Bandwidth. Idle Remotes receive a data slot equal to the Mini-

mum Slot Length.
In figure 3-39, Remote 1 with IP address had activity during the

averaging period. It captured 37.8% of the total slot time and had an average

slot length of 283 ms. Remotes 2, 3, and 4 had 41.5%, 18.1%, and 7.6% respec-

tively. The dynamic range of STDMA is a function of the difference between

the Nominal Data Length and the Minimum Data Length parameters. These

parameters are operator selectable. The speed with which STDMA reacts to

changes in dynamic load is a function of the Statistics Accumulation Window

parameter and the Cycles per Burst Map parameter, both of which are also oper-

ator selectable.
The Hub statistics are useful for tuning the Burst Controller. Preamble adjust-

ments, up or down, are made using the missed ACKs statistic; a preamble and/

or guardband that is too short will result in an accumulation of missed ACKs.

The “Cont” column represents continuous—the number of sequential ACKs

An informative indicator in the Hub Statistics screen is the STDMA status of

the Remotes that appears in the first column to the right of the IP Address list.

The Remote status is displayed in one of three possible modes:

• E – Remote is Enabled and active in the STDMA group; the Hub burst

controller is receiving ACKs from this Remote.

• ER – Remote is Enabled but has been Removed from the STDMA group

due to missed ACKs at the Hub burst controller.