Network role, Setting vipersat cdm-570/570l operating parameters, Set the feature configuration – Comtech EF Data CDM-570/570L Vipersat User Manual

Page 27: Parameters -3, Set the feature configuration -3, Table 2-1 cdm-570/570l network roles and, Functions

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Quick Start Configuration


Initial Configuration

Network Role

The first and most important step prior to configuring the CDM-570/570L is to

define its network role.
The CDM-570/570L is a flexible network component able to perform different

functions depending on how it is used in a network. The role that is defined for

each CDM-570/570L will determine what functions are available for each unit

to fill its role. Table 2-1 lists the network roles and the corresponding network

functions for which the CDM-570/570L can be configured.

The procedure for setting the modem configuration to match the defined

network role is presented later in this Quick Start (“Set the Vipersat Configura-

tion” on page 2-11).
Refer to the section “Unit Role” on page 3-49, and the following section

“Expansion Unit”, for additional details on setting a CDM-570/570L’s network


Setting Vipersat CDM-570/570L Operating


The following is an example of using the CLI to bring a Vipersat CDM-570/

570L with factory default settings to the configuration which allows the Viper-

sat functions to be accessible.

Set the Feature Configuration

The operating parameters that will be configured in the target CDM-570/570L

are, in part, determined by the role the CDM-570/570L is to fill in the network,

as shown in table 2-1 and table 2-2.

Table 2-1 CDM-570/570L Network Roles and Functions

Network Role / Function

Hub Remote Expansion

Hub Burst Controller providing STDMA Timing Maps


Hub Point-to-Point SCPC Modem


Hub Switched Demodulator



Remote STDMA Modem


Remote Point-to-Point SCPC Modem


Remote Mesh Demodulator