Cloud Electronics DCM1 User Manual
Page 44

DCM1 & DCM1e Installation and User Guide v1.0
The Page Priority Hold Time can be set from the
SYSTEM tab of the Utility Tool; select the required value
from the Hold drop-down list in the Paging Mic/
area. Click Send System to transmit the
new setting.
Page Priority Release Time
Rotary Control sets value
Page Pri Rel
At the end of the Page Priority Hold Time (see above), the level
of the music programme ramps back up from its attenuated
level to its previous level over the Release Time period.
The rotary control sets the Release value in the range from
1 s to 12 s, in 1 s increments. The default value is 1 s.
Note that the Page Priority Release Time is global – it applies
to all Zones. The setting has no relevance to Zones that have
Page Pri Sel set to Off.
The numeric buttons are not used in this function.
The Page Priority Release Time can be set from the
SYSTEM tab of the Utility Tool; select the required value
from the Release drop-down list in the Paging
area. Click Send System to transmit
the new setting.
Page Priority Attenuation
Rotary Control sets value
Page Pri Att
Page Pri Att sets the amount of volume reduction to
be applied to the music programme when paging priority
becomes active – i.e., the degree of “ducking”.
The default setting is -30 dB. The rotary control can be used
to set any attenuation from -46 dB (the quietest) to 0 dB (no
reduction at all), in 1 dB steps.
Note that Page Priority Attenuation is global – it applies to all
Zones. The setting has no relevance to Zones that have Page
Pri Sel set to Off.
The numeric buttons are not used in this function.
Page Priority Attenuation can be set from the
SYSTEM tab of the Utility Tool; select the required
value from the Attenuation drop-down list in the
Paging Mic/Priority
area. Click Send System
to transmit the new setting.
Select Emergency Source
Rotary Control selects Input (Mic or Line)
Emergency Source
An external emergency mute applied at the Music Mute rear
connector will normally mute all eight Music Inputs and all
four Microphone Inputs. Paging remains operative. Some
installations may require that one input is reserved as an
emergency audio input, for a Fireman’s Mic or Emergency
Evacuation message. The Emergency Source menu function
determines which input this will be.
Any input may be nominated as the emergency source. Either
a Line or Mic Input may be chosen, making it possible to
interface either microphones directly or line-level devices
such as sound stores.
The rotary control selects the input to be used for emergency
access. Turning the control clockwise scans through Line
to Line 8, then Mic 1 to Mic 4. If the Music Inputs
have been renamed, the names are displayed. The default
setting is Off. The menu function can be exited when the
required input is displayed; no additional button presses are
Once an input is selected, that input will remain live when
Music Mute is active. With the default setting of Off, all
inputs will be muted when Music Mute is active.
The numeric buttons are not used in this function.