Cloud Electronics DCM1e - Quick Start Guide User Manual
Dcm1e easy start guide

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DCM1e Easy Start Guide
Thank you for purchasing this DCM1e Digitally Controlled Zone Mixer. The DCM1e has been developed from
the successful DCM1, and greatly extends the Zone Mixers usability by adding an Ethernet interface and an
Internal Web Server, allowing control from a Smartphone, Laptop, Tablet device or Computer via a Web
A fully updated version of the DCM1 Installation and User Guide which includes all the DCM1e’s additional
features is in preparation, and will shortly be available for download from the Cloud website
DCM1e ONLY – Additional features:
• Ethernet port with internal web server
• Control over main user functions from web-capable devices
• Client based security at three levels (User, Power and Installer).
• Dedicated control port which accepts commands in the RS232 syntax. (CDI Port)
Browser Compatibility:
The DCM1e uses HTML5 and CSS3, which are only available on recent browsers. The HTML features used by
the DCM1e are listed below:
• Storage:- Local Storage & Session Storage;
• Forms:- Input type = number;
• Elements:- Section elements & Hidden attribute;
You can check your browser compatibility by browsing to
Ethernet connection instructions
1. Download the latest version of the Cloud Ethernet Discovery Tool from our website
Information’ panel;
2. Connect an Ethernet cable to the socket marked “Ethernet Interface” on the DCM1e rear panel;
3. Plug the cable into the network router;
4. Connect your Windows® PC to the same network;
5. Run the Discovery Tool where you should see an entry with host name “DCM1-ANON”;