Flowdde, 2 flowdde – Bronkhorst EL-FLOW Prestige User Manual
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Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V.
EL-FLOW Prestige
RS232 communication can be used for operating the instrument using the Bronkhorst FlowDDE server application. Dynamic Data
Exchange (DDE) provides the user a basic level of interprocess communication between Windows applications. FlowDDE is a DDE
server application. Together with a client application, either self-made or with a SCADA-program from third parties, it is possible to
create an easy way of data exchange between the flow meter/controller and a Windows application. For example, a cell in
Microsoft Excel could be linked to the measured value of the EL-FLOW Prestige and when the measured value changes, it will be
updated automatically in the Excel spreadsheet.
The FlowDDE server offers the user a different and user-friendly interface to the instrument. FlowDDE makes use of specific
parameter numbers for communicating with the instrument. A DDE-parameter number is a unique number in a special FlowDDE
instruments/parameter database and not the same as the parameter number from the process on an instrument. Node-address
and process number will be translated by FlowDDE to a channel number.
DDE-client applications communicate to the FlowDDE server by using DDE messages. Before messages can be exchanged, a DDE link
has to be made. A DDE link consists of three parts: the server, the topic and an item. For separation the characters '|' and '!' may be
used, so a DDE link in e.g. Microsoft Excel becomes: Server|Topic!Item.
For standard instrument parameters and the FlowDDE server, these are:
Server: FlowDDE or FlowDDE2
Topic: ‘C(X)’ for channel number X
Item: ‘P(Y)’ for parameter number Y
An example of a DDE link in a Microsoft Excel cell is =FlowDDE|’C(1)’!’P(8)’ to read parameter 8 of channel 1.
How to setup a DDE link with FlowDDE is described in the
help-file of the FlowDDE application and in the instruction
manual document 9.17.067. Programming examples are
available for making applications in: Visual Basic, LabVIEW
and Microsoft Excel.
When not using FlowDDE for communication with the
instrument, each parameter value is addressed by:
Node address of the instrument
Process number on the instrument
Parameter number on the instrument
Refer to section 3.9 for more information regarding
instrument parameters.
For more information regarding FlowDDE, see document 9.17.067 'Instruction manual FlowDDE' which can be found