13 od tool, 1 console application, 2 ssc tool integration – BECKHOFF ET9300 User Manual
Page 89: Od tool, Console application, Ssc tool integration, Ter 13), Er 13
Application Note ET9300
13 OD Tool
The SSC OD Tool converts an application definition file to slave application files for the Beckhoff Slave
Stack Code (Figure 52).
SSC based application files
application definition
Figure 52: SSC OD Tool workflow
The supported definition file formats are:
- *xls ; *xlm ; *xlsx ; *xlsm
- *.xml
- *.eds
The tool can be either used as a console application (chapter 13.1) or by the Integration in the SSC
Tool (chapter 13.2).
13.1 Console application
The console application (SSC OD Tool.exe) is located in the installation folder of the SSC Tool (e.g.
“c:\Program Files (x86)\EtherCAT Slave Stack Code Tool\SSC OD Tool.exe”.
Command line:
SSC OD Tool.exe application_defintion_file
/esi existing_esi_file_to_update
/src folder_to_save_the_source_code
In case that an ESI file is located next to the application_defintion_file with the same name this ESI file
will be update, the “/esi” option does not need to be set.
In case t
hat that a “src” folder is located next to the application_defintion_file the source files will be
generated in that folder, the “/src” option does not need to be set.
13.2 SSC Tool Integration
If an application definition file already exists it can be imported
with the menu “Tool->Application-
If no application definition file exists a new *xlsx
definition file is created by click “Tool->Application-
>Create new”. After the *xlsx editor is closed the application will be included to the slave project.
This chapter is handling the *.xlsx based application definition. An Example for an application
definition is shown in Figure 53.
Figure 53: Excel application definition example