Howtorfid – Avery Dennison RFID User Manual

Page 43

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Revision: 13

Date: 31 August 2009

Page 43 of 53


#G Encode tag and print data






#J21#T7#VW/L/"EPC (1: write to tag ): "+EPCDataWrite#G

#J25#T7#VW/L/"EPC (2: verify): "+BinToHex(EPCDataVerify)#G




Write / Read / Print EPC with 96bit (using legacy commands)

Note: this job is composed using legacy commands. It’s not the preferred approach to to RFID processing (see
5.1.2 Concepts of data handling)

sample job




#G Write EPC


#G Read and Print EPC


#J5#T6#YT107/0///RFID Gen II EPC



Write / Read / Print EPC with consecutive numbering

Note: This job uses the variable data handling approach to define an auto incrementing value for the Serial number
part of the EPC. This is the only way to compose a RFID job with auto incrementing fields.

sample job



#G specify material settings

