Howtorfid – Avery Dennison RFID User Manual

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Revision: 13

Date: 31 August 2009

Page 35 of 53


Other RFID operations




Read data from tag and send to


Lock / unlock fields (memory


There is no equivalent for this operation using the variable
data handling approach.

Measurement (Hotspot test)


Only supported up to version x33.

5.3 Commands using the variable data handling mechanism


Definition of variables and data manipulation

User defined variables act as data storage, input values for RFID write operations or buffers for holding data read
from tag.

There exist a lot of functions for manipulation of variable contents (like increment or decrement), concatenation or
truncation and conversion between different coding schemes.

All EasyPlug commands, operators and functions related to the variable data handling mechanism are described in
the EasyPlug manual [A0164].

Please see:

Commands: #VDT, #VDS, #VDD, #VTS, #VDE

Functions: Mod10, SubStr, Length, MergeRight, MergeLeft, DayOfYear

Additional functions for data manipulation (see section 5.3.3):

Functions: DecToBin, BinToDec, HexToBin, BinToHex, DualToBin, BinToDual, PadRigth, PadLeft


Data coding schemes / coding scheme conversion

Data can be handled inside EasyPlug using different coding schemes as described below. Having this opportunity
makes it easy to do bit-manipulations or construct complex data fields from parts or data components. Data of any
coding scheme can be stored in a text variable because there are no special characters or something like that may
conflict with the used storage mechanism.

Important note: Data to be written to a tag must be provided in the binary coding scheme as parameter of the
#VW/T command.

Data read from the tag is stored into a variable using the binary coding scheme. Before printing to a label it may be
necessary to convert the data into the Hex (HexAscii) coding scheme.