General information about the command language, Language – Avery Dennison Monarch 9864 Command Overview User Manual

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10/07 Rev. 4.02-01




A = TTX 600 --TLX 604 – Eagle B = TTX 300 Offline -- Cobra Offline D = TTX 300 Online –TTX 207 -- Cobra Online – Da Capo
E = TTX 450/650/674/675/950/1050 – Puma/Puma plus/Lion/Lion plus/Tiger/Tiger XXL -- S45/65/95/105 -- TDI/STDI/XXTREME
G = TTX 350 – Ocelot – TTK – Texxtile H = 64-xx –Chess x –TT4 – DPM – PEM – ALX 92x – AP 4.4/5.4

General information about the command language

Easy Plug is designed for either a 7-bit or 8-bit data format.

Evaluation takes place according to the configuration:

– character codes from 20hex to 7Fhex


– characters from 00hex to 1Fhex and 80hex to FFhex.

Bar codes and text, for which characters from 00hex to FFhex are also
permitted, must be terminated with a closing command at the end of the



If the character set "IBM" has been selected, characters larger than 7Fhex

are evaluated. Character codes in the permitted range are interpreted as
ASCII characters.


Easy Plug communication is divided into individual commands.

Head: Each command begins with a defined command character (#).

Root: Parameters can consist of single characters or texts of any length

(depending on the command).

End: A command ends after the transfer of any parameters which may be

necessary. Commands with a number string or text as the last parameter
are concluded with the command character (#) of the next command.

All characters outside of a command are ignored without an error message
being issued.

Easy Plug manages a label format and stores subsequent jobs in a spooler.



All Easy Plug commands are defined in ASCII characters. Other control

characters e.g. 0Dh (CR) or 0Ah (LF) outside of a command are ignored. It
is therefore advisable to enter a line feed after every command in order to
be able to print Easy Plug listings on a line printer.