I n d ex – Dell 3 User Manual
Page 249

I n d ex
Array, 237
Array Configuration
Planner, 98
Array Management
Software, 237
Array Performance
Features, 56, 67, 76
Array Spanning, 237
Arrays, 92-93, 109, 125-126,
142, 170, 176
Operations, 237
ATA, 237
Audible Warnings, 210
Battery Backup, 193
BIOS, 58, 60, 68, 70, 72, 78,
80-81, 93, 96, 104-105,
115-116, 121-122, 130,
136-137, 139-140, 146-
147, 149-159, 163, 167,
173, 178-185, 188-193,
199, 204-208
BIOS Boot Error
Messages, 205
BIOS Configuration
Utility, 72, 81, 115-116,
147, 149-159, 163, 167,
173, 178-185, 188-193,
199, 206, 208
Check Consistency Menu, 159
Configure Menu, 152
Format Menu, 158
Initialize Menu, 153
Menu Options, 151, 153
Objects Menu, 153
Rebuild Menu, 158
Starting, 150
BIOS Error Messages,
Other, 208
SCSI, 102, 104, 113-114,
118, 128, 134, 136, 146,
Cache I/O, 238
Cache Memory, 59, 70, 79
Cache Policy, 87, 161, 166,
172, 177, 192, 197
Channel, 238
Cluster, 65, 154-155, 161,
166, 185-186
Cluster Mode, 154-155, 185-
Enabling and Disabling, 185
Initiator ID, 154-155, 186
Cold Swap, 238
Configuration Features, 54-
55, 64, 74
Configuration Method, 160
Easy Configuration, 96, 152,
159-160, 163, 167, 183
New Configuration, 96, 152,
159-161, 167, 208
View/Add Configuration, 150,
152, 159, 161-162, 167,
173, 206
Configuration on Disk, 55,
65, 75, 150, 161, 208
Configuration Strategies, 93
Maximizing Capacity, 94
Maximizing Drive
Availability, 94
Maximizing Drive
Performance, 95
Configuring Arrays and
Logical Drives, 159
Consistency Check, 32, 238
Data Storage, 96