Dell POWERVAULT MD3620I User Manual

Important information

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Carrier Grade Updates for Dell

PowerVault MD3600/MD3620



MD1200/MD1220 Storage Arrays

Important Information


This information is relevant to Dell PowerVault MD3600i, MD3620i, MD3600f,

MD3620f, MD1200, and MD1220 series storage arrays.


The intra-building port(s) of the equipment or subassembly is suitable for

connection to intra-building or unexposed wiring or cabling only. The intra-building
port(s) of the equipment or subassembly must not be metallically connected to
interfaces that connect to the Outside Plant (OSP) or its wiring. These interfaces are
designed for use as intra-building interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports as described
in GR-1089-CORE, Issue 5) and require isolation from the exposed OSP cabling. The
addition of Primary Protectors do not provide sufficient protection to connect these
interfaces metallically to the OSP wiring.


The intra-building port(s) of the equipment or subassembly must have

shielded intra-building cabling or wiring that is grounded at both ends.

• Network equipment — Includes standard PCIe based Network Interface Card

(NIC) and Fibre Channel (FC) devices.

• Bonding network — Equipment is suitable for Common Bonding Networks


• Suitable installation location — Equipment is suitable for installation in

Network Telecommunications Facilities (NTF), and locations where the

National Electrical Code (NEC) is applicable.

• DC bonding — Equipment is suitable for DC common bonding installations.
• Fan filter — The filter material in the filter bezel is 0.25 inch thick, 45PPI

foam, and has an ASHRAE dust by weight arrestance of 80%. The filter must

be replaced on a quarterly basis.


You can order a service kit containing four replacement filters by contacting

Dell Support.

2013 - 02

Rev A00