d&b TI 385 d&b Line array design User Manual
Page 19

Lock/Show/Transparent/Color: Obstacles show the
same behavior as described above for the listening planes.
Obstacles are shown in the Venue editor, the Top view
diagram and in the 3D plot.
All elements
This section lists all listening planes and obstacles defined
for the current venue. You can select one or more listening
planes or obstacles from the list to edit them, either directly
in the list or using the Selected element section above. The
switches and buttons included in the first line named 'All'
affect all listening planes and obstacles defined for the
current venue.
(highlighted in yellow), the changes you apply to one
element will affect all selected elements.
Export/import of venue settings
You can export defined venue settings to an ArrayCalc
venue file (*.dbacv). This file including the exported venue
settings can then be imported in other projects or in the
same project again, for example for comparative purposes.
To use the venue export/import function, select 'Export' or
'Import' from the File menu while the 'Venue' page is active.
Measurements - Plane
An additional dialog which supports the input of plane
coordinates using a laser inclinometer and a range finder.
This is a particularly useful method when the elevation of
balconies or stands has to be determined.
For each plane profile to be determined, enter the distance
and the viewing angle to the closest point (Front) and the
farthest point (Back) of the plane.
From this, the x positions and heights are calculated
Create plane: After entering all measurements, click Create
plane to add a new listening plane.
Note: If, with very small angles (low elevation), the
measurement accuracy is not satisfactory, move the
instrument closer to the object to increase the viewing
angle. The sheet allows to input the instrument x-position
and height for each plane.
Measurements - Arena
An additional dialog which supports the input of measuring
data of general superelliptic venues, such as arenas or
stadiums using a laser inclinometer and a range finder.
When you click into an entry field, the interactive 'How to'
diagram shows to which parameter this particular field
When measuring a venue with two or more tiers, enter the
data for each tier separately by measuring its lower and
upper edges. After that, click Create planes. Then repeat
the procedure for the next tier.
TI 385 (6.0 EN) d&b Line array design, ArrayCalc V8.x
Page 19 of 54