Arraycalc, 1 arraycalc installation, 2 starting arraycalc – d&b TI 385 d&b Line array design User Manual
Page 15

10. ArrayCalc
For both acoustic and safety reasons all d&b line arrays
must be designed using the d&b ArrayCalc simulation tool.
ArrayCalc also provides functionality to integrate individual
d&b point source loudspeakers into a simulation project.
ArrayCalc is available for PC and MAC.
ArrayCalc uses a sophisticated mathematical model
synthesizing each line-array cabinet's wavefront using
measured high-resolution dispersion data. Sound pressure
level is calculated in 3D using complex data (vector
Point sources are modelled using complex measured high-
resolution 3D polar data.
ArrayCalc provides the following features:
— Editing of three-dimensional listening planes to create
audience areas in a given venue and shape.
— Help function to obtain venue dimensions using laser
distance finders and inclinometers.
— Level distribution on up to five different audience areas
displayed in 3D format for selectable frequency bands
from 32 Hz to 12.5 kHz.
— Calculation of absolute sound pressure levels in
audience areas including system headroom supervision
for different input signals.
— Combination of up to 14 different array pairs distributed
across the venue plus ground stacked subwoofers in L/R
combinations or arranged as SUB array.
— Calculation of ArrayProcessing settings for line arrays
— Flown subwoofers integrated into the line arrays or flown
as separate columns.
— Additional integration of up to six groups of d&b point
source loudspeakers.
— Additional integration of xC column loudspeakers.
— Auto tuning algorithms for vertical aiming and splay
angles of arrays as well as SUB array settings.
— Tuning of all relevant amplifier settings like level, array
coupling, crossover and cardioid modes.
— Simulation of air absorption effects depending on
environmental conditions, tuning of the respective
amplifier settings.
— System time alignment between different sources and
subwoofers using impulse and phase response data.
— Calculation of load and space requirements for rigging
— Calculation and supervision of electronic and physical
load conditions as well as mechanical forces within
— Design and calculation printouts, printable parts lists for
inventory control and loading as well as DXF and EASE
export functions.
— Project file export into the d&b R1 Remote control
System requirements
— PC with Intel/AMD (1 GHz or more); Windows 7 or
— or Macintosh (Intel); Mac OS 10.6 or higher.
— 2 GB RAM, 4 GB recommended.
— 100 MB of available hard disk capacity.
— Mouse, preferably with wheel.
— Minimum screen resolution 1280 x 1024; on smaller
screens viewport has to be scrolled.
10.1 ArrayCalc installation
Windows systems:
To install ArrayCalc, start ArrayCalcSetup.exe or
ArrayCalcSetup.msi and follow the instructions in the setup
The default installation path is:
C:\Program files\dbaudio\ArrayCalc
A default project directory will be created:
Windows Version 7 or higher:
C:\Users\'username'\My Documents\dbaudio
To remove ArrayCalc from your system, go to Start –
Settings – Control Panel – Add or remove programs in the
Control Panel folder.
Select the ArrayCalc entry from the list and click the
Remove button. The uninstall routine starts and the software
is removed including all related components.
Macintosh systems:
Double-click ArrayCalc.dmg and drag ArrayCalc to your
applications folder.
To remove ArrayCalc from your system, move ArrayCalc
into the trash bin.
10.2 Starting ArrayCalc
ArrayCalc can either be started via the Windows Start
Menu, where it will appear in Programs – dbaudio –
ArrayCalc – ArrayCalc or by double-clicking the ArrayCalc
desktop icon.
Windows automatically links ArrayCalc project files
(*.dbac2) to ArrayCalc. Alternatively, the program can
therefore be started by double-clicking on any ArrayCalc
project file.
Click ArrayCalc or any ArrayCalc project file.
TI 385 (6.0 EN) d&b Line array design, ArrayCalc V8.x
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