Setting the cir-e³ up, Generating the setup file, Etting the – CIRCUTOR CIRe3 Series User Manual
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Instructions manual
Fig. 6-9.- Download options
To download the desired option, select the link.
6.3 Setting the CIR-e³ up
The CIR-e³ analyzer does not have configuration buttons or a setup screen and it needs a file
with the configuration information required to record the data. This file has the .xst extension
and it is generated with the CIR-e.exe application. This application is supplied with the unit and
is stored in the SD card.
6.3.1 Generating the setup file
To generate the setup file, run the CIR-e.exe application located in the root directory of the SD
Fig. 6-10.- Application icon
In the event that the SD card format from which the application is running is not a FAT16 format,
the executable warns the user of an incorrect format using the following window:
Fig. 6-11.- SD card format error
The application determines the installation parameters that will determine how the CIR-e³ takes
the measurements and records the parameters. These parameters are stored in the SD
memory card. The setup application generates a file that must be stored in the SD card and
which is named after the unit's serial number and has the xst extension. If the setup application
is not available, the user can also download it from
When the user runs the application for the first time, the window will appear blank, as shown on
Fig. 6-12